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Hi there. I host my domain [example.com] with you, and I run WordPress on my site. The minimum requirements are changing to PHP 5.2.4 and MySQL 5.0, and I would appreciate your help in confirming that my site’s setup meets these requirements. If I’m currently running an older version of PHP or MySQL, could you update it for me, or tell me how to do it? Thanks so much!


如果你的浏览器没有及时更新,你将在管理界面看一个友好的橘黄色的提示框,如果你使用IE6,那么这个提示黄将会用红色显示。如果你使用IE6是因为您使 用的电脑是企业,图书馆,学校之类的,导致你不能下载一个较新版本的浏览器,那么你可以使用下面这个电子邮件模板来请求管理员的支持

Hi there. The computer I use at [where you use the computer] is equipped with an out-of-date web browser. Internet Explorer 6 was created 10 years ago, before modern web standards, and does not support modern web applications. More and more sites and applications are dropping support for IE6, including the new version of WordPress. Even Microsoft, the makers of IE6, are counting down until IE6 goes the way of the dinosaur (see http://www.ie6countdown.com/ for more information). Can you please install an updated version of IE or any modern browser (see http://browsehappy.com for more information) on the available computers? Thank you very much.


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